
DJ of the Month

DJ of the Month for October 2015: Melo Grant!

What brought you to WRUV?

I came to UVM in 1982.  I was born & raised in New York City so I had already been exposed to a wide variety of non-commercial radio and WRUV was the only thing I could listen to in Burlington.  The older brother of a high school friend was a DJ and encouraged me to become involved with the station and I did so the summer of ’84.

Tell us about your show–what do you talk about/what kind of music do you play?

I used to be known for my independent rock show then I took over the Friday afternoon “dance music show” and played a lot of house music and Hip Hop.  Then came Hip Hop with Acid Jazz, then Hip Hop with Neo Soul, now it’s pretty much a straight independent Hip Hop show as there are now more stations in the commercial market playing rap music whereas when I first came to Burlington there were none.  I don’t really talk a lot on my show it’s all about the music.  I do mention particular music labels that I like and think listeners would like as well.

Where did you get your show name?

The concept was one of a musical bunker, that is underground music that acts as a defense or alternative to the onslaught of commercial/mainstream music. The cultural aspect was about introducing music to the area that wasn’t getting played.

What do you like to do besides being a DJ?

I love reading and re-reading books by Octavia Butler and knitting.


Thanks Melo!

The Serial Chiller

November 1st, 2015

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