
DJ of the Month

DJ of the Month February 2015: Emily

DJ of the Month February 2015: Emily

What brought you to WRUV?

I remember when I came to admitted student’s day my parents and I were passing the station on a tour and my mom said, “Wow, it would be so cool to be aDJ!”  I determined she was right so I signed up for DJ Training. I didn’t come into training with a huge music library and endless knowledge about the kind of music I liked, but I knew that I wanted to be surrounded by music in some way and find new music easily and that’s why I love the station.

Tell us about your show– what do you talk about/what kind of music do you play?

Genre? On the schedule it says that I play “folk rock”, which is entirely true, but I usually just end up throwing a playlist together of whatever I feel like at the time. Usually my playlists are a blend of  slow, woodsy rhythms accompanied by happy-go-lucky songs that make you dance.

Where did you get your show name?

A place that is very special to me has a large field of daisies, and they’ve been my favorite flower for as long as I can remember. My show name is “Among the Daisies” because I like to imagine that my playlists would be much enjoyed while sitting in a daisy field. Or a field of other assorted flowers.

What do you like to do besides being a DJ?

Besides being a DJ I have found a lovely home in the UVM Outing Club, where I have the opportunity to lead backpacking and hiking trips.

What are your personal “top 5” tracks?

Currently they are…

  1.  All The Pretty Girls- Kaleo
  2. Winter Trees- The Staves
  3.  Oh La La- Faces
  4.  Gone- The Head and The Heart
  5.  Use Me Up- Lake Street Dive


Thanks Emily!

Listen to “Among the daisies” on Friday 12-2pm.

The Serial Chiller

March 1st, 2015

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