
DJ of the Month

DJ of the Month January 2015: Emelio

DJ of the Month January 2015: Emelio

What brought you to WRUV?
I had just moved to Vermont at the time of DJ training in February 2014. I was in that newcomer stage where you want to check out what’s interesting in the new place, get involved in a couple neat things — one of the first things I did was to find and listen to the local college radio. I’d regretted not getting involved in my own college’s radio station, and I thought that I could redeem myself by going through WRUV’s training.

Tell us about your show– what do you talk about/what kind of music do you play?
I don’t have any particularly large knowledge of one music type, but I do have a love for lots of different kinds of music. I typically play international music and indie/rock/soul/R&B, and lately have been getting obsessed with digging into WRUV’s excellent and ever-growing collection of contemporary West African musicians. But I also like to venture into rap, country/folk, jazz and electronica. I have a commitment to myself to investigate and play music from our classical and avant-garde collection, but haven’t gotten there just yet.

Where did you get your show name?
I originally conceived of the show as a Midwestern-music-themed program — I’m from Columbus OH, and thought it’d be great to play music from Ohio and the surrounding states. Thus the name, “Heartlander.” Turns out it was more interesting to not have that limitation, though I do tend to blab about Ohio artists whenever I play them.

What do you like to do besides being a DJ?
I’m applying to grad schools right now, so I basically like to spend all of my waking hours stressing and procrastinating. When free time returns to me, you could find me in the pottery co-op at the Living/Learning Center or birdwatching somewhere. Does that make me sound like a grandma? No disrespect to grandmas.

What are your personal “top 5” tracks?
I gotta go for the big emotions in a personal top-five, which essentially means best music from original soundtracks:

  1. “Everything’s Alright” from Jesus Christ Superstar
  2. “Poor Unfortunate Souls” from The Little Mermaid
  3. “Snow Miser” & “Heat Miser” from The Year Without A Santa Claus
  4. “Satin Summer Nights” from The Capeman (did you know that Paul Simon wrote a musical?? This soundtrack kills!)
    and obviously,
  5. “Let It Go” from Frozen

Thanks Emelio!

The Serial Chiller

February 1st, 2015

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