
DJ of the Month

DJ of the Month June 2015: DJ Mae

DJ of the Month June 2015: DJ Mae

What brought you to WRUV?

Fellow WRUV DJ, Aly Perry (Forever is Just a Day, Soundsmith Radio), is the person responsible for getting me hooked on radio. We worked at a farm together in the summer of 2014 and she was hosting Forever is Just a Dayat the time. She always talked about how much fun it was digging for new music and curating a show to fit the mood for her Saturday afternoon set. When fall DJ training came around, she nudged me to do the training and try to get a show myself. I was reluctant, and honestly terrified, at first. I’ve never DJ’d more than my kitchen soundtrack while cooking up some dinner, or background music while hanging with friends. Fall training came and went, and I received my own show for the next semester. The rest is history and here I am. Still hooked on music, hooked on WRUV, and in love with sharing my passion with anyone willing to be dialed into WRUV.

Tell us about your show– what do you talk about/what kind of music do you play?

I feel fortunate enough to host two shows or two very different varieties. Personally, I host a show on Wednesdays from 12-2pm called Baby Makin’ Music. I play soul of all kinds — old soul, new soul, R&B, blues, jazz, and a bit of hip-hop and times. If it makes ya feel good n’ groovy, you’ll hear it on Baby Makin’ Music.

I also co-host Exposure with two other WRUV DJs, Dom the Barber and DJ A minor. All the music featured on the show is from Burlington and Vermont musicians. In addition to recorded tracks, we bring a different local artist in each week to play a live set on air, along with an interview. We have so much fun each week, getting know so many wonderful and talented artists this little state has to offer. Exposure has been a staple of WRUV since the early 80s. I feel honored to be one of the many DJs who’ve carried on the tradition.

Where did you get your show name?

A few years back, a friend sent me a mix tape. It was a plain ol’ burned CD folded up in lined notebook paper. Simply scribbled across the top of the CD was “baby makin’ music”. Though not of the same variety as I tend to play on my show, the sentiment was there in the tracks. I had no idea what to call my show until i came across that mix again. THAT WAS IT. I was hung up on whether Baby Makin’ Music was appropriate for WRUV and its wide audience. But then I came to my senses… Baby Makin’ Music is all about feeling good, and feeling good is appropriate, if not desperately needed and desired. If I can whisk away even one listener on the sultry vibes of sweet tunes that make ’em want to groove with the lucky lover (or lovers!) in their life, then I’ve done good…and Ifeel good.

What do you like to do besides being a DJ?

…too much. I got hobbies left and right, but music and food are my main loves. I love playing music myself — singing is my first love, and I love having any instrument around to make noise with. I work at a cafe in downtown Burlington and couldn’t feel luckier to work there. Feeding souls with food made with love. If I’m not cooking up something good at work, I love to make a nice meal at home for friends. And lastly, I’d be foolish to not say how much I love this beautiful state and romping around its beautiful landscape. Swimming, biking, hiking, and catching sunsets are regular happenings in my everyday life.

Thank you DJ Mae!

The Serial Chiller

June 24th, 2015

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