
DJ of the Month

DJ of the Month March 2015: Audrey

DJ of the Month March 2015: Audrey

Name: Audrey Homan

DJ name: DJ Sacramento
Show name: Undercover Lover
Time of Show: Wednesdays, 10pm-midnight
Top 5 Tracks:
1. “True Stories” – Datarock
2. “Dance the Magic Dance” – Vourteque
3. “Thunderstruck” – 2CELLOS
4. “Turn Down for What” – Nevada State University Percussion Ensemble
5. “Anishinaabe Style (Psy x Black Lodge Singers)” – Melody McKiver
Fun Fact: The NHL’s Art Ross Trophy, for the league’s leading scorer each season, has never been won by an American-born player.

What brought you to WRUV?
My bike.

Tell us about your show– what do you talk about/what kind of music do you play?
Undercover Lover is all about cover songs, with a heavy focus on instrumental and experimental covers. I love it when artists take a song, find the bones of it and rip them right out through the song’s nostrils and make a soup full of strange and complex loveliness. A lot of my favorite covers are ones where artists find the dark heart of bubbly pop songs. Ben Howard, for example, turned “Call Me Maybe” all the way inside out, and his version has elements of terror and gender confusion. The Talking Heads had a minor hit with “Stay Up Late”, but if you listen to the Diamond Hymen version, you finally realize how creepy and abusive the lyrics are. By the same token, some artists take a relatively straightforward song like Cream’s “Sunshine of Your Love” and infuse it with a wild and hidden joy. Magic Drum Orchestra, I’m looking at you!

I like the transformative process of cover songs, is what. I’m waiting for someone to record a cover of “Like a Virgin” by pushing a file cabinet down three flights of stairs. That would be super interesting.

Where did you get your show name?
I panicked because the show request forms were due in an hour.

What do you like to do besides being a DJ?
I read entirely too much for anyone’s good. I also collect small dogs and bikes that don’t run.

The Serial Chiller

March 16th, 2015

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